Congratulations to our hostess who took second place in the battle for the District 32 Legislature race. The general is next.
Here's a snippet from the Lincoln Journal-Star:
ncumbent Sen. Laura Ebke ran second in her District 32 bid to return to the Nebraska Legislature. She said Tuesday night she expects a tussle in the next few months leading up to the general election.
Jefferson County farmer Tom Brandt led the pack of three candidates in that district by a good margin and will challenge Ebke in November. District 32 encompasses five counties and includes the southwest corner of Lancaster County.
Gov. Pete Ricketts' pick, Al Riskowski, finished last and will not advance. He felt good about running a clean race, he said, even though all three District 32 candidates said they had to contend with negative ads, some of them funded by out-of-state groups, with messages that had nothing to do with the election.
Brandt, who said he's a rural Republican, a centrist and independent thinker, has been active in community improvement in his hometown of Plymouth. He said voters want someone who will truly represent farmers and small towns.
People in his district are fed up with what's going on in the Legislature, the growing partisanship and nothing of substance getting done, he said.
Ebke, a Libertarian who is from Crete, stressed her four years of experience in the Legislature.
"I think that the hit pieces had a real weakening effect on me," she said.
She lost some of the rural vote she needed, she said. "Now it's up to me to go and get them back."
Lots of work to be done! If you want to see a Libertarian elected, then visit her page! There's lot's of ways you can help!