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« Violence, Sustenance, and Faith - Civil Society and Social Cohesion - (Ernest Gellner) (4/4) | Main | Scarce Justice - When What Is "Just" Is Not Known (1/2) »



Nicely put, Georg - I will continue to follow your researches with interest.

Thanks, Ed, for accompanying me on this journey. I am looking forward to your comments, if you have time and occasion to offer some. May I ask you to keep an acute eye on the formulations and terminology, among other things waiting for improvement.

Thus, I am not happy with the term "aggravation" - as in "aggravation and placation."

What I mean by "aggravation" is the inevitable consequence of freedom to create a population of mutually dissenting citizens. Freedom creates conflict, where it would not exist without her.

I am not sure about the resonances of "aggravation" in American ears. I have heard US military personnel use the term in the sense that I ascribe to it - may be my mis-perception: "creating conflict." But does the term not mean, "making things worse or more acute(ly bad)," rather than "being conflict-inducing?"

There is a good term in German, for which I haven't found an adequate single-world-equivalent in English: Streitbarkeit - meaning: a preparedness to quarrel ferociously - at witch vee Görmans arrr wery gut.

At any rate, I am fascinated by the fact that we live in a civilisation whose millions of members take the right to invulnerably challenge their fellows absolutely for granted.

As the comment section in every blog proves: we are even inviting strangers to write potentially very "aggravating" comments on our most cherished pronouncements.

Tough call, Georg - I personally have no problem grasping the meaning in your usage of "aggravate", but if you're uncomfortable with it, you might consider the following alternatives: provoke, inflame, agitate, irritate, acerbate.

I admit that none of these exactly fit what I perceive to be your intended meaning, but they're the best I could come up with before my morning cup of coffee.



You're an exceptionally gifted writer, as I know from your comments and your blog and book writing, with the most sensitive antennae for linguistic distinctions.

I'm glad you have added alternative expressions to my vocabulary (concerning the specific issue) and - upon your confirmation - feel entitled to continue to use the original phrasing ("aggravation").

Thanks for your help.

Ah, morning coffee, to me: an archetypal scene of Gemütlichkeit (cosiness), even though coffee doesn't agree with me - I still like the smell of it, and can't resist the occasional espresso.

Have a great day, and thanks again for much valued assistance.

You gentlemen continue to keep this blog alive. Ed, if you ever want another outlet, just say the word.

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