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The 3rd congressional disctrict has Juatin Amash and Brian Ellis. Ellis was our previous governor's water carrier. Every project she wanted when he was on the MEDC was approved; 100% of the time. The same deep pockets that helped Justin win his previous election have opened those pockets to Brian Ellis. Justin is too conservative for them and doesn't play well with others. Brian has never had political office before except for the local school board where he voted to raise taxes twice and his tenure with the MEDC.

The following quote came from Mlive, the online version of our local newspaper. In my opinion, this says a lot to the quality of the man...

In an interview with the Weekly Standard, [Brian] Ellis strikingly dismissed Amash’s principled, constitutional stand: “He’s got his explanations for why he’s voted, but I don’t really care. I’m a businessman, I look at the bottom line. If something is unconstitutional, we have a court system that looks at that.” Most members of Congress vote for unconstitutional bills. Few of them make it an explicit campaign promise.

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