Beforehand, a brief and rather entertaining introduction to the broader issue:
Climate scientist Dr. Murry Salby [not the gentleman in the above video], Professor and Climate Chair at Macquarie University, Australia explains in a recent, highly-recommended lecture presented at Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany, why man-made CO2 is not the driver of atmospheric CO2 or climate change. Dr. Salby demonstrates:
- CO2 lags temperature on both short [~1-2 year] and long [~1000 year] time scales
- The IPCC claim that "All of the increases [in CO2 concentrations since pre-industrial times] are caused by human activity" is impossible
- "Man-made emissions of CO2 are clearly not the source of atmospheric CO2 levels"
- Satellite observations show the highest levels of CO2 are present over non-industrialized regions, e.g. the Amazon, not over industrialized regions
- 96% of CO2 emissions are from natural sources, only 4% is man-made
- Net global emissions from all sources correlate almost perfectly with short-term temperature changes [R2=.93] rather than man-made emissions
- Methane levels are also controlled by temperature, not man-made emissions
- Climate model predictions track only a single independent variable - CO2 - and disregard all the other, much more important independent variables including clouds and water vapor.
- The 1% of the global energy budget controlled by CO2 cannot wag the other 99%
- Climate models have been falsified by observations over the past 15+ years
- Climate models have no predictive value
- Feynman's quote "It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with the data, it’s wrong" applies to the theory of man-made global warming.
The source.