Maybe nothing, but one thing is remarkably close: seeing Republican stalwart blogger Ace Of Spades HQ admit that the neocon experiment is dead.
If it's not evident already, the Neocon Project is dead. It's actually been dead since around 2006-2007 (and was very unwell before that), but there has been a cowardly reluctance in the Republican establishment and among Republican pundits to admit this.
A lot of us (and I include myself here) have just hoped that no one would notice this fact, so we wouldn't have to admit it, and we could stick to our guns and keep sort of claiming we've always been right.
Well, we weren't. We certainly misjudged how quickly we could transform backwards, alien countries during an occupation, and also misjudged the public's patience for such a project.
(Hat tip to The Other McCain)
Enough with the "we" stuff. I've been banned from commenting there, apparently only because my timing was off.
Or perhaps this means that he doesn't approve of Obama's foreign policy, now that he's stuck with it for 4 more years. Neoconservatism needs to be shot in the head to make sure it stays down, though. Bush told us he was going to kill it, and instead he fed it steroids.
And the transformation isn't complete over there: He's still moaning about the fact that Obama probably won't bomb Iran.
But it's always nice to see someone admit they were wrong. Especially when they were horribly, murderously wrong.
Well that was scary. I was so taken aback that I stopped sipping my coffee - no small thing that.
Oh, if we could just kill without being killed! If we could conquer quickly! Then all would be well and republicans would rule. Nothing about the spending and lost rights anywhere in there. Nothing about the military being a hammer and seeing nails around the world while sucking every last depreciating dollar from the coffers. His screed was a killer's lament. I don't think I want to know this Spartan throwback's domestic point-of-view. If he touts liberty, he'd be disingenuous. Big militaries and freedom are antithetical.
It sure does make one wonder what kind of foreign policy would have manifested if Romney and the republicans had won.
Posted by: Eric Parks | 11/08/2012 at 05:51 AM
Justin Rainmondo:
"Like vampires risen from the dead each night, these creatures who shun the light and feast on pain and suffering, are refreshed and ready to take wing again. What they seek is what makes them feel alive and energizes them to want more, and that is war. They are the War Party, and they are Democrats and Republicans. They are columnists and publishers and academics, as well as politicians and publicists. They don’t have much of a mass base: they prefer to work in the shadows, manipulating rather than inspiring. By such Machiavellian means have they managed to stay viable, in spite of the disasters they have wrought through the years – giving them more scope for fresh disasters yet to be imagined."
Posted by: AngelaTC | 11/08/2012 at 11:31 AM