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I was late to this party. It's really sad, but the fact that a reporter can actually do a fair story about all things Paul leaves me almost speechless.

This guy is relatively friendly - his Twitter feed and Facebook page have exploded in popularity, and he seems pretty ok with it, even laughing about the "Ben Swann For Press Secretary" page a loyalist created.

He addressed a viewer's question about Paul's Iran policy on his page, and told us that his next story will be about Newt's claim that a secret panel review is all that is required to assassinate a 16 year old citizen.

I wonder if I should warn him what will happen when he posts something that isn't rabidly pro-Paul. :)

"I wonder if I should warn him what will happen when he posts something that isn't rabidly pro-Paul. :)"

After years of comment-section tongue-lashings by Paulians, one would believe he already knows.

It was very refreshing to see some fairness though, wasn't it? Almost downright objective at times...

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